Data Strategy: How to Profit from a World of Big Data, Analytics and the Internet of ThingsPaperback – April 28, 2017

by Bernard Marr (Author)
Less than 0.5 per cent of all data is currently analysed and used. However, business leaders and managers cannot afford to be unconcerned or sceptical about data. Data is revolutionizing the way we work and it is the companies that view data as a strategic asset that will survive and thrive. Bernard Marr's Data Strategy is a must-have guide to creating a robust data strategy. Explaining how to identify your strategic data needs, what methods to use to collect the data and, most importantly, how to translate your data into organizational insights for improved business decision-making and performance, this is essential reading for anyone aiming to leverage the value of their business data and gain competitive advantage.
Packed with case studies and real-world examples, advice on how to build data competencies in an organization and crucial coverage of how to ensure your data doesn't become a liability, Data Strategywill equip any organization with the tools and strategies it needs to profit from big data, analytics and the Internet of Things.
Product details
Paperback: 200 pages
Publisher: Kogan Page; 1 edition (April 28, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780749479855
Causal Powers 1st Edition

by Jonathan D. Jacobs (Editor)
Causal powers are ubiquitous. Electrons are negatively charged; they have the power to repel other electrons. Water is a solvent; it has the power to dissolve salt. We use concepts of causal powers and their relatives-dispositions, capacities, abilities, and so on-to describe the world around us, both in everyday life and in scientific practice. But what is it about the world that makes such descriptions apt?
On one view, the neo-Humean view, there is nothing intrinsic about, say, negative charge, that makes its bearers have the power to repel other negatively charged particles. Rather, matters extrinsic to negative charge, the patterns and regularities in which negatively charged particles are embedded, fix the powers its bearers have. But on a different view, the anti-Humean view, causal powers are intrinsically powerful, bringing with them their own causal, nomic, and modal nature independent of extrinsic patterns and regularities-even fixing those patterns and regularities.
This collection brings together new and important work by both emerging scholars and those who helped shape the field on the nature of causal powers, and the connections between causal powers and other phenomena within metaphysics, philosophy of science, and philosophy of mind. Contributors discuss how one who takes causal powers to be in some sense irreducible should think about laws of nature, scientific practice, causation, modality, space and time, persistence, and the metaphysics of mind.
Product details
Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: Oxford University Press; 1 edition (June 20, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780198796572
Culture and the Cognitive Science of Religion (Cultural Dynamics of Social Representation) 1st Edition

by James Cresswell (Author)
Culture and the Cognitive Science of Religion is the first book to bring together cultural psychology and the cognitive science of religion (CSR). Containing much-needed discussion of how good research should do more than simply follow methodological prescriptions, this thought-provoking and original book outlines the ways in which CSR can be used to study everyday religious belief without sacrificing psychological science.
Cresswell’s pragmatist approach expands CSR in a radically new direction. The author shows how language and culture can be integrated within CSR in order to achieve an alternative ontogenetic and phylogenetic approach to cognition, and argues that a view of cognition that is not based on modularity, but on the dynamic connection between an organism and its milieu, can lead to a view of evolution that makes much more room for the constitutive role of culture in cognition.
As a provocative attempt to persuade researchers to engage with religious communities more directly, the book should be essential reading for academics, researchers and postgraduate students, as well as psychologists interested in the cognitive science of religion, theological anthropology, religious studies and cultural anthropology.
Product details
Series: Cultural Dynamics of Social Representation
Hardcover: 142 pages
Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (October 31, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1138219398
ISBN-13: 978-1138219397
19.Temperate Crop Science and Breeding: Ecological and Genetic Studies 1st Edition