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卷期:1卷1期,刊名: Frontiers of Medicine in China

命中数:22,共2页,第1页     下一页 末 页 转到         


Liver surgery and transplantation in China: Progress and Challenges LAU W Y; LAI E C H;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2007 ; Volume1,Number1 ; P1-5


The stem cell and tissue engineering research in Chinese ophthalmology GE Jian; LIU Jingbo;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2007 ; Volume1,Number1 ; P6-10


Developing effective tumor vaccines: basis, challenges and perspectives XU Qingwen; CHEN Weifeng;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2007 ; Volume1,Number1 ; P11-19


Lateral progression of brachial plexus avulsion injury GU Yudong;
Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2007 ; Volume1,Number1 ; P20-23


Surgical treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma with cirrhotic esophageal varices and hypersplenism: a 184 case report JIANG Bin; CHEN Xiaoping; HUANG Zhiyong; ZHANG Zhiwei; HE Songqing; WANG Shaofa; WU Zaide; QIU Fazu;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2007 ; Volume1,Number1 ; P24-29


Splenic autotransplantation and oesophageal transection anastomosis in patients with portal hypertension (26 years clinical observation) CHEN Jisheng; HUO Jinshan; ZHANG Hongwei; SHANG Changzhen; CHEN Rufu; ZHANG Jie; Obetien Mapudengo; CHEN Yajin; ZHANG Lei;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2007 ; Volume1,Number1 ; P30-35


Alleviation of cell damage in experimental ANP in rats by administration of chondroitin-sulfate reduces HE Zhongye; GUO Renxuan; XIE Chengyao; LIU Nan; LI Yang; SONG Wen;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2007 ; Volume1,Number1 ; P36-40


Immunotherapeutic effects on murine pancreatic carcinoma by β-elemene combined with dendritic cells modified with genes encoding interleukin-23 TAN Guang; WANG Zhongyu; CHE Luanqing; YIN Shuo;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2007 ; Volume1,Number1 ; P41-45


Effect of end-to-end invagination pancreaticojejunostomy with circle discontinuous U suture in pancreatic surgery ZHANG Xuewen; XUAN Wei; JIANG Tao; JI Degang; YANG Yongsheng; ZHANG Dan; XIE Yingjun; MENG Zihui; ZHAO Jisheng;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2007 ; Volume1,Number1 ; P46-48


Construction of 6HRE-GFAP-Baxα system specific for glioma gene therapy TIAN Yongji; LI Guilin; GAO Jun; WANG Renzhi; KONG Yanguo; ZHANG Zhenxing; LI Shifang; TIAN Shiqiang; DOU Wanchen; ZHANG Bo;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2007 ; Volume1,Number1 ; P49-53


Measurement of bone alkaline phosphatase and relative study with osteosarcoma YANG Zhiping; HUO Yanqing; SUN Guangzhi; LI Jianmin; LI Xin;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2007 ; Volume1,Number1 ; P54-57


Clinical analysis of 275 cases of acute drug-induced liver disease LI Lei; JIANG Wei; WANG Jiyao;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2007 ; Volume1,Number1 ; P58-61


Evaluation of the effect of myocardial perfusion after percutaneous coronary intervention in coronary artery disease by using intracoronary myocardial contrast echocardiography and two other angiographic techniques WANG Hong; HUANG Lan; JIN Jun; SONG Yaoming; GENG Zhaohua; YU Xuejun; QIN Jun; ZHAO Gang; GAO Yunhua; LIU Zheng; YANG Li;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2007 ; Volume1,Number1 ; P62-67


Association of metabolic syndrome with arterial compliance in children and adolescents ZHANG Li; MI Jie; LI Ming; JIANG Benyu;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2007 ; Volume1,Number1 ; P68-73


Histopathological study of congenital aortic valve malformations in 32 children HUANG Ping; WANG Hongwei; LI Yanping; CHENG Peixuan; LIU Qingjun; ZHANG Zhenlu; LIU Jianying;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2007 ; Volume1,Number1 ; P74-78


Ultraviolet-B induced expression of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α, transferrin receptor through EGFR/PI3K/AKT/DEC1 pathway LI Yanhua; BI Zhigang;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2007 ; Volume1,Number1 ; P79-86


Effect of intestinal ischemia/reperfusion injury on leptin and orexin-A levels LIN Ji; YAN Guangtao; GAO Xiaoning; LIAO Jie; HAO Xiuhua; ZHANG Kai;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2007 ; Volume1,Number1 ; P87-92


Expression and bioinformatic analysis of lymphoma-associated novel gene KIAA0372 BAI Xiangyang; TANG Duozhuang; ZHU Tao; SUN Lishi; YAN Lingling; LU Yunping; ZHOU Jianfeng; MA Ding;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2007 ; Volume1,Number1 ; P93-98


MSI/LOH and extron expression of the FHIT gene in gastric carcinoma XIAO Yuping; MAO Lili; HAN Chengbo; LI Jinyi; XU Lei; XIN Yan;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2007 ; Volume1,Number1 ; P99-103


Effects of hemin and thermal stress exposure on JWA expression ZHAO Ming; CHEN Rui; LI Aiping; ZHOU Jianwei;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2007 ; Volume1,Number1 ; P104-108
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