






Frontiers 系列期刊数据库



卷期:4卷4期,刊名: Frontiers of Medicine in China



Translational medicine promising personalized therapy in oncology Yi-Xin ZENG; Xiao-Shi ZHANG; Qiang LIU;
Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2010 ; Volume4,Number4 ; P351-355


Molecular pathogenesis of acute myeloid leukemia: A diverse disease with new perspectives Felicitas THOL; Arnold GANSER;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2010 ; Volume4,Number4 ; P356-362


Molecular mechanisms of leukemia-associated protein degradation Ying-Li WU; Hu-Chen ZHOU; Guo-Qiang CHEN;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2010 ; Volume4,Number4 ; P363-370


Hilar cholangiocarcinoma: Pathology and tumor biology Dong KUANG; Guo-Ping WANG;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2010 ; Volume4,Number4 ; P371-377


The value of epigenetic markers in esophageal cancer Xiao-Mei ZHANG; Ming-Zhou GUO;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2010 ; Volume4,Number4 ; P378-384


Toll-like receptors in innate immunity and infectious diseases Min-Hao WU; Ping ZHANG; Xi HUANG;

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Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2010 ; Volume4,Number4 ; P385-393


Diagnosis and management against the complications of human cystic echinococcosis Hao WEN; Tuerganaili AJI; Ying-Mei SHAO;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2010 ; Volume4,Number4 ; P394-398


Dysregulation of β-catenin by hepatitis B virus X protein in HBV-infected human hepatocellular carcinomas Lei CHEN; Liang HU; Liang LI; Yuan LIU; Qian-Qian TU; Yan-Xin CHANG; He-Xin YAN; Meng-Chao WU; Hong-Yang WANG;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2010 ; Volume4,Number4 ; P399-411


p53 functional activation is independent of its genotype in five esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cell lines Junfang JI; Kun WU; Min WU; Qimin ZHAN;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2010 ; Volume4,Number4 ; P412-418


Association of novel mutations and heplotypes in the preS region of hepatitis B virus with hepatocellular carcinoma Jia-Xin XIE; Jun ZHAO; Jian-Hua YIN; Qi ZHANG; Rui PU; Wen-Ying LU; Hong-Wei ZHANG; Hong-Yang WANG; Guang-Wen CAO;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2010 ; Volume4,Number4 ; P419-429


Influence of the adjuvant therapy on the survival of patients with stage II pancreatic carcinoma Xi-Yan WANG; Hai-Jun LI; Hao WEN; Dong YAN; Shu-Yong PENG;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2010 ; Volume4,Number4 ; P430-435


The first year follow-up after colorectal adenoma polypectomy is important: A multiple-center study in symptomatic hospital-based individuals in China Qin-Yan GAO; Hui-Min CHEN; Jian-Qiu SHENG; Ping ZHENG; Cheng-Gong YU; Bo JIANG; Jing-Yuan FANG;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2010 ; Volume4,Number4 ; P436-442


The liver tissue bank and clinical database in China Yuan YANG; Yi-Min LIU; Ming-Yue WEI; Yi-Fei WU; Jun-Hui GAO; Lei LIU; Wei-Ping ZHOU; Hong-Yang WANG; Meng-Chao WU;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2010 ; Volume4,Number4 ; P443-447


Alcohol and tea consumption in relation to the risk of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Guangdong, China Hong-Lian RUAN; Feng-Hua XU; Wen-Sheng LIU; Qi-Sheng FENG; Li-Zhen CHEN; Yi-Xin ZENG; Wei-Hua JIA;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2010 ; Volume4,Number4 ; P448-456


Serum carbohydrate antigen (CA) 19-9 as a prognostic factor in cholangiocarcinoma: A meta-analysis Shang-Long LIU; Zi-Fang SONG; Qing-Gang HU; Duo SHAN; Shao-Bo HU; Jun LI; Qi-Chang ZHENG;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2010 ; Volume4,Number4 ; P457-462


Comparing the effects of Bassini versus tension-free hernioplasty: 3 years’ follow-up Yulong SHI; Zhongxue SU; Leping LI; Hongjun LIU; Changqing JING;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2010 ; Volume4,Number4 ; P463-468


Graft versus host disease after liver transplantation: A case report Peng-Ji GAO; Xi-Sheng LENG; Dong WANG; Guang-Ming LI; Lei HUANG; Jie GAO; JI-Ye ZHU;

摘   要

Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2010 ; Volume4,Number4 ; P469-472


Effectively cultivate the next generation of competent Chinese physicians: a perspective from a physician trained in both Chinese and US medical institutions Zongyu John CHEN;
Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2010 ; Volume4,Number4 ; P473-476


Polycystic ovary syndrome Zi-Jiang CHEN; Yuhua SHI;
Frontiers of Medicine in China
1673-7342 ; 2010 ; Volume4,Number4 ; P477-477
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