







【篇名】 Globalization, interdependence and education
【刊名】 Frontiers of Education in China
【刊名缩写】 Front. Educ. China
【ISSN】 1673-341X
【EISSN】 1673-3533
【DOI】 10.1007/s11516-007-0026-7
【出版社】 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag
【出版年】 2007
【卷期】 2 卷3期
【页码】 309-324 页,共 16 页
【作者】 Deane Neubauer;
【关键词】 globalization; interdependence; the chance of education; education development

Contemporary globalization is marked by rapidly and dramatically increasing interdependence, which operates both within and among countries. Increasing global interdependence has profound influence on education at all levels, such as how to deal with a world with more permeable boundaries in which people are on the move more frequently (migration) than ever before in human history, and in which urbanization is increasing at an unprecedented rate. This paper proposes a transformational analysis of contemporary globalization and identifies the increasing challenge for education due to the globalization, including the struggle to match the pace of technology change in society, to provide graduates with skills relevant to contemporary society, and to lead education students to an accommodation with persistent and rapid social change.
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