







【篇名】 Laboratory study on high-temperature adsorption of HCl by dry-injection of Ca(OH)2 in a dual-layer granular bed filter
【刊名】 Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
【刊名缩写】 Front. Environ. Sci. Eng.
【ISSN】 2095-2201
【DOI】 10.1007/s11783-013-0618-9
【出版年】 2014
【卷期】 8 卷6期
【页码】 863-870 页,共 8 页
【作者】 Junjun TAN; Guohua YANG; Jingqiao MAO; Huichao DAI;
【关键词】 acid gas HCl|Ca(OH)2|dry adsorption|high temperature|dual-layer granular bed filter


Combustion-generated hydrogen chloride (HCl) is considered to be a very hazardous acid gaseous pollutant. This paper presents a laboratory study on the dry adsorption of HCl. The experiments were conducted in a dual-layer granular bed filter, at gas temperatures of 500°C–700°C and n(Ca)/n(Cl)molar ratios of 1.0–5.0 using the silver nitrate titration method by dry adsorbent powders Ca(OH)2. Mainly, the adsorption efficiency of HCl and utilization efficiency of Calcium were studied, by varying relevant factors including n(Ca)/n(Cl), temperature, feeding method, water vapor and CO2. With a relatively higher HCl concentration of 1000 ppm, the experimental results revealed that 600°C may be the optimum temperature for HCl adsorption when optimum n(Ca)/n(Cl) was 2.5 in our tests. The results also demonstrated that the feeding at a constant pressure was more effective, and the HCl adsorption efficiency could rapidly reach over 90% with n(Ca)/n(Cl) = 2.5 at 600°C. Furthermore, the HCl adsorption efficiency was found to be slightly promoted by water vapor, while could be impeded by CO2, and the utilization efficiency of calcium could be up to 74.4% without CO2, while was only 36.8% with CO2 when n(Ca)/n(Cl) was 2.5 at 600°C.

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