







【篇名】 Occurance and control of manganese in a large scale water treatment plant
【刊名】 Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
【刊名缩写】 Front. Environ. Sci. Eng.
【ISSN】 2095-2201
【DOI】 10.1007/s11783-014-0637-1
【出版年】 2015
【卷期】 9 卷1期
【页码】 66-72 页,共 7 页
【作者】 Youjun CHEN; Feng XIAO; Yongkang LIU; Dongsheng WANG; Ming YANG; Hua BAI; Jiong ZHANG;
【关键词】 manganese release|dissolved oxygen|settling filtration|pre-oxidation


The continuous variations of dissolved oxygen (DO), manganese (Mn), pH, and their effect on manganese removal by different water treatment processes are investigated. The results show that the declined DO concentration and pH value in the bottom of reservoir results in the increasing release of Mn from sediment to source water. Manganese concentration increased from 0.1 to 0.4 mg·L-1 under the condition that DO concentration decreased from 12.0 to 2.0 mg·L-1 in raw water. The different water treatment processes exhibited different efficiency on manganese removal. The processes with recycling of the suspended sludge, low elevation velocity in settling tank and slow filter rate, will benefit the manganese removal. During a high release of manganese in raw water, traditional coagulation-sedimentation and filtration could not completely remove Mn, although granular activated carbon filtration (GAC) had been applied. At that case, preoxidation with chlorine or potassium permanganate (KMnO4) was necessary to address the high manganese concentration.

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