







【篇名】 Combined reticular blind drainage and vertical hierarchical drainage system for landfills located in areas with high rainfall and high groundwater level
【刊名】 Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
【刊名缩写】 Front. Environ. Sci. Eng.
【ISSN】 2095-2201
【DOI】 10.1007/s11783-014-0710-9
【出版年】 2016
【卷期】 10 卷1期
【页码】 177-184 页,共 8 页
【作者】 Wenjing LU; Zhonge FU; Yan ZHAO;
【关键词】 landfill|reticular blind drain|vertical hierarchical drain|guidance and drainage|impermeable layer


A novel water control technology that combines the features of a reticular blind drainage system and a vertical hierarchical drainage system is developed and applied in the Yanziyan Sanitary Landfill, which is located at an area (Loudi City, Hunan Province, China) with high rainfall and high groundwater level. The reticular blind drain system, which was installed on the bottom and side walls of the landfill site, can conveniently guide the flow of groundwater out of the site while preventing a disorganized flow of groundwater. The vertical hierarchical drainage system was installed to separate rainfall water and leachate in the landfill site, thus efficiently reducing the pressure of leachate treatment. The whole drainage system plays a key role in foundation stabilization by seepage control and separation and in the instant drainage of rainfall water. The leachate reduction efficiency of the drainage technology was calculated in terms of leachate production before (336519 m3) and after (29664 m3) technology application. Over 90% of leachate derived from rainfall water and groundwater inflow was avoided upon installation of the vertical hierarchical drainage and reticular blind drainage systems. The technology can thus be popularized and applied for water control in landfills located in areas with high rainfall and high groundwater level. The proposed technology can be used to alleviate the pressure of leachate treatment and to reduce the risk of instability.

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