







【篇名】 Application of ultra-sonication, acid precipitation and membrane filtration for co-recovery of protein and humic acid from sewage sludge
【刊名】 Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
【刊名缩写】 Front. Environ. Sci. Eng.
【ISSN】 2095-2201
【EISSN】 2095-221X
【DOI】 10.1007/s11783-014-0763-9
【出版年】 2016
【卷期】 10 卷2期
【页码】 327-335 页,共 9 页
【作者】 Liangliang WEI; Kun WANG; Xiangjuan KONG; Guangyi LIU; Shuang CUI; Qingliang ZHAO; Fuyi CUI;
【关键词】 sewage sludge|co-recovery|proteins|humic acid|recycling|biodegradation rate


A novel method was applied to co-recover proteins and humic acid from the dewatered sewage sludge for liquid fertilizer and animal feed. The proteins in sewage sludge were first extracted using the processes of ultra-sonication and acid precipitation, and then the humic acid was recovered via membrane filtration. The extraction efficiency was 125.9 mg humic acid?g−1VSS volatile suspended solids (VSS) and 123.9 mg proteins?g−1 VSS at the optimal ultrasonic density of 1.5 W?mL−1. FT-IR spectrum results indicated that the recovered proteins and humic acid showed similar chemical characteristic to the natural proteins and humic acid. The acidic solution (pH 2) could be recycled and used more than 10 times during the co-recovery processes. In addition, the dewatered sludge could be easily biodegraded when the humic acid and proteins are extracted, which was essential for further utilization. These findings are of great significance for recovering valuable nutrient from sewage sludge.

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