







【篇名】 Building information modeling and its impact on users in the lifeworld: a mediation perspective
【刊名】 Frontiers of Engineering Management
【刊名缩写】 Front. Eng
【ISSN】 2095-7513
【EISSN】 2096-0255
【DOI】 10.1007/s42524-019-0013-8
【出版年】 2019
【卷期】 6 卷2期
【页码】 193-206 页,共 14 页
【作者】 Hans VOORDIJK;
【关键词】 building information modeling|mediation|enframing|lifeworld|rationalization|Heidegger|Habermas|Ihde


Building information modeling (BIM) is expected to have a large impact on users in the lifeworlds in a construction supply chain. The impact of BIM on users in their lifeworlds is explored using the concepts of Heidegger, Habermas, and Ihde from the perspective of technical mediation. This impact is explored by a case study. BIM mediates and shapes the relationship between users and their lifeworlds and can be characterized as either a hermeneutic or an alterity relationship. BIM conflicts with existing work practices in a ready-to-hand work environment. For users that cannot work with BIM, the work environment remains present-at-hand. The many heterogeneous BIM applications and systems used by the various parties involved result in interoperability problems that are a major barrier to enframing the supply chain by BIM. Although invitation and inhibition of certain actions by BIM may stimulate the rationalization of the lifeworlds, the lack of intrinsic motivation and mutual background knowledge inhibits an alignment of BIM and working practices.

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