







【篇名】 Differential diagnosis of cervical nerve compression syndrome of the external intervertebral foramen
【刊名】 Frontiers of Medicine in China
【刊名缩写】 Front. Med. China
【ISSN】 1673-7342
【EISSN】 1673-7458
【DOI】 10.1007/s11684-007-0033-3
【出版社】 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag
【出版年】 2007
【卷期】 1 卷2期
【页码】 177-180 页,共 4 页
【作者】 WANG Jinwu; NI Weifeng; XU Jianguang; ZHU Haibo; ZHAO Binghui; GUO Shangchun; ZENG Bingfang;
【关键词】 external intervertebral foramen; nerve compression; cervical spondylosis; spinal osteophytosis

The aim of the present research is to study the mechanism of cervical nerve compression syndrome of the external intervertebral foramen and its differential diagnosis with cervical spondylosis. Diagnostic treatment with muscle relaxant, vasodilator, neurotrophic medicine and celecoxib (COX)-2 inhibitor were performed in 20 patients with cervical nerve compression syndrome of the external intervertebral foramen and 20 patients with cervical spondylosis confirmed by operation. Diagnostic local block therapy was performed additionally in cases showing little effect after diagnostic treatment. All the patients were followed up postoperatively for more than one year. Fifteen cases with cervical nerve compression syndrome of the external intervertebral foramen were healed by the diagnostic treatment. The other five cases had a short-term remission and there was no recurrence after diagnostic local block therapy. Diagnostic treatment led to short-term alleviation of the symptom in 20 cases with cervical spondylosis confirmed by operation, the results of which was far from satisfactory and operation was undertaken finally in all the 20 cases. The etiology of cervical nerve compression syndrome of the external intervertebral foramen lies in the compression of the cervical plexus, brachial plexus and cervical dorsal rami by the tendinous decussating fibers of the scalenus anticus, medius, minimus and the posterior muscles of the neck. Diagnostic treatment was propitious to differentiate cervical nerve compression syndrome of the external intervertebral foramen from cervical spondylosis.
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