







【篇名】 Effects of different sediment fractions on sorption of galaxolide
【刊名】 Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering
【刊名缩写】 Front.Environ.Sci.Eng.
【ISSN】 2095-2201
【EISSN】 2095-221X
【DOI】 10.1007/s11783-010-0259-1
【出版社】 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
【出版年】 2012
【卷期】 6 卷1期
【页码】 59-65 页,共 7 页
【作者】 Lixia JIN; Mengchang HE; Jinghuan ZHANG;
【关键词】 galaxolide (HHCB); sorption; organic carbon; sediment; carbon-normalized distribution coefficient (Koc)

Sorption isotherms of galaxolide (HHCB) of different fractions from two sediments with different mineral and organic carbon contents were determined to compare HHCB sorption behavior and contribution to the total sorption. The HHCB sorption isotherms that used the batch equilibration method were studied on different sediments of different fractions. The sorption isotherms of 600癈 heating fractions were detailed using the linear model, while the other fractions were nonlinear and fitted well with the Freundlich model. The dissolved organic carbon (DOC) removed, NaOH extracted, and 375癈 heating fractions showed more nonlinear sorption than the original sediments, which suggested more heterogeneous sorption sites in these fractions. Compared to the original sediments, the 375癈 heating fractions had higher carbon-normalized distribution coefficient (Koc) values, indicating a higher sorption affinity for HHCB. Among the different sediment fractions, the contribution of the 600癈 heating fractions to the overall sorption were the lowest (<20%), while the 375癈 heating fractions were the highest (up to 85%).
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