







【篇名】 Crystalline mesoporous transition metal oxides: hard-templating synthesis and application in environmental catalysis
【刊名】 Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering in China
【刊名缩写】 Front.Environ.Sci.Engin.China
【ISSN】 2095-2201
【EISSN】 2095-221X
【DOI】 10.1007/s11783-012-0472-1
【出版社】 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
【出版年】 2013
【卷期】 7 卷3期
【页码】 341-355 页,共 15 页
【作者】 Zhen MA; Bei ZHOU; Yu REN;
【关键词】 mesoporous materials; silica; metal oxide; hard-templating; environmental catalysis

Mesoporous silicas such as MCM-41 and SBA-15 possess high surface areas, ordered nanopores, and excellent thermal stability, and have been often used as catalyst supports. Although mesoporous metal oxides have lower surface areas compared to mesoporous silicas, they generally have more diversified functionalities. Mesoporous metal oxides can be synthesized via a soft-templating or hard-templating approach, and these materials have recently found some applications in environmental catalysis, such as CO oxidation, N2O decomposition, and elimination of organic pollutants. In this review, we summarize the synthesis of mesoporous transition metal oxides using mesoporous silicas as hard templates, highlight the application of these materials in environmental catalysis, and furnish some prospects for future development.
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