






Frontiers 系列期刊数据库



卷期:8卷6期,刊名: Frontiers of Environmental Science



Engineering application of membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment in China: Current state and future prospect Kang XIAO; Ying XU; Shuai LIANG; Ting LEI; Jianyu SUN; Xianghua WEN; Hongxun ZHANG; Chunsheng CHEN; Xia HUANG;

摘   要

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
2095-2201 ; 2014 ; Volume8,Number6 ; P805-819


Haloacetic acids in swimming pool and spa water in the United States and China Xiaomao WANG; Garcia Leal M I; Xiaolu ZHANG; Hongwei YANG; Yuefeng XIE;

摘   要

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
2095-2201 ; 2014 ; Volume8,Number6 ; P820-824


Recovery of NH4+ by corn cob produced biochars and its potential application as soil conditioner Yang ZHANG; Zifu LI; Ibrahim B MAHMOOD;

摘   要

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
2095-2201 ; 2014 ; Volume8,Number6 ; P825-834


Adsorption of benzene and toluene from waste gas using activated carbon activated by ZnCl2 Leila KARIMNEZHAD; Mohammad HAGHIGHI; Esmaeil FATEHIFAR;

摘   要

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
2095-2201 ; 2014 ; Volume8,Number6 ; P835-844


A model of 90Sr distribution in the sea near Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant in China Jingyu WANG; Hongwei FANG; Guojian HE; Lei HUANG;

摘   要

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
2095-2201 ; 2014 ; Volume8,Number6 ; P845-853


Variation in humic and fulvic acids during thermal sludge treatment assessed by size fractionation, elementary analysis, and spectroscopic methods Yuning YANG; Huan LI; Jinyi LI;

摘   要

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
2095-2201 ; 2014 ; Volume8,Number6 ; P854-862


Laboratory study on high-temperature adsorption of HCl by dry-injection of Ca(OH)2 in a dual-layer granular bed filter Junjun TAN; Guohua YANG; Jingqiao MAO; Huichao DAI;

摘   要

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
2095-2201 ; 2014 ; Volume8,Number6 ; P863-870


Speciation evolutions of target metals (Cd, Pb) influenced by chlorine and sulfur during sewage sludge incineration Jingde LUAN; Rundong LI; Zhihui ZHANG; Yanlong LI; Yun ZHAO;

摘   要

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
2095-2201 ; 2014 ; Volume8,Number6 ; P871-876


Identification of pakchoi cultivars with low cadmium accumulation and soil factors that affect their cadmium uptake and translocation Lin WANG; Yingming XU; Yuebing SUN; Xuefeng LIANG; Dasong LIN;

摘   要

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
2095-2201 ; 2014 ; Volume8,Number6 ; P877-887


Occurrence and fate of antibiotics in advanced wastewater treatment facilities and receiving rivers in Beijing, China Xinwei LI; Hanchang SHI; Kuixiao LI; Liang ZHANG; Yiping GAN;

摘   要

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
2095-2201 ; 2014 ; Volume8,Number6 ; P888-894


Assessment of temporal and spatial variations in water quality using multivariate statistical methods: a case study of the Xin'anjiang River, China Xue LI; Pengjing LI; Dong WANG; Yuqiu WANG;

摘   要

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
2095-2201 ; 2014 ; Volume8,Number6 ; P895-904


Characterization of phosphorus species and modeling for its organic forms in eutrophic shallow lake sediments, North China Hongguang CHENG; Xiao PU; Yiting CHEN; Fanghua HAO; Liming DONG;

摘   要

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
2095-2201 ; 2014 ; Volume8,Number6 ; P905-921


Modeling agricultural non-point source pollution in a high-precipitation coastal area of China Zhiyi LI; Pengfei DU; Haiwei HUANG; Yong Ge; Xu LI;

摘   要

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
2095-2201 ; 2014 ; Volume8,Number6 ; P922-928


Decentralized wastewater treatment technologies and management in Chinese villages Xuesong GUO; Zehang LIU; Meixue CHEN; Junxin LIU; Min YANG;

摘   要

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
2095-2201 ; 2014 ; Volume8,Number6 ; P929-936


Improvement of nitrification efficiency by bioaugmentation in sequencing batch reactors at low temperature Di CUI; Ang LI; Tian QIU; Rui CAI; Changlong PANG; Jihua WANG; Jixian YANG; Fang MA; Nanqi REN;

摘   要

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
2095-2201 ; 2014 ; Volume8,Number6 ; P937-944


A potentiometric cobalt-based phosphate sensor based on screen-printing technology Lei ZHU; Xiaohong ZHOU; Hanchang SHI;

摘   要

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
2095-2201 ; 2014 ; Volume8,Number6 ; P945-951


Reuse of heavy metal-accumulating Cynondon dactylon in remediation of water contaminated by heavy metals Dongdong MA; Hongwen GAO;

摘   要

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
2095-2201 ; 2014 ; Volume8,Number6 ; P952-959


Biosorption of Cr(VI) by carbonized Eupatorium adenophorum and Buckwheat straw: thermodynamics and mechanism Jinfa CHEN; Ping YANG; Dagang SONG; Sha YANG; Li ZHOU; Lei HAN; Bo LAI;

摘   要

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
2095-2201 ; 2014 ; Volume8,Number6 ; P960-966


Combined biologic aerated filter and sulfur/ceramisite autotrophic denitrification for advanced wastewater nitrogen removal at low temperatures Tian WAN; Guangming ZHANG; Fengwei DU; Junguo HE; Pan WU;

摘   要

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
2095-2201 ; 2014 ; Volume8,Number6 ; P967-972
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